Enhancing Muscle Activation with the Chin Tuck Exercise Using the Neckline Slimmer: Insights from a Recent Study

In the quest for effective and efficient exercise regimens to enhance muscle activation, a recent study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science offers compelling insights. The study, titled "Effects of Chin Tuck Exercise Using Neckline Slimmer Device on Suprahyoid and Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Activation in Healthy Adults," was published online on March 2, 2018. The findings, accessible through PMCID: PMC5857457 and PMID: 29581670, contribute to our understanding of targeted muscle activation using innovative exercise tools. There is a more advanced version of this neck exercise tool, called the PhagiaFlex device, with a durable, flexible design and a bouncy feel when doing the neck exercises, which makes it fun and easy to use. PhagiaFlex also offers a hands free model.

Study Overview

The research, which appeared in the March 2018 issue (Vol. 30, Issue 3, pp. 454-456) of the journal, explores the efficacy of the chin tuck exercise when performed with a neckline slimmer device. The chin tuck exercise is a common maneuver aimed at strengthening the muscles in the neck, specifically the suprahyoid and sternocleidomastoid muscles. These muscles play crucial roles in swallowing, head movement, maintaining posture, and firmness and appearance of the neck.


The study involved a group of healthy adult participants who performed chin tuck exercises with and without the neckline slimmer device. The primary objective was to measure and compare the level of muscle activation in the suprahyoid and sternocleidomastoid muscles during these exercises.

Key Findings

The results demonstrated a significant increase in muscle activation when the chin tuck exercise was performed using the neckline slimmer device. The suprahyoid muscles, located below the jaw and responsible for movements such as swallowing and tongue movements, showed enhanced activation. Similarly, the sternocleidomastoid muscles, which are vital for head rotation and flexion, also exhibited increased engagement.

Implications for Neck Exercises

These findings have important implications for exercise regimens aimed at neck muscle strengthening and toning. The increased muscle activation suggests that incorporating the neckline slimmer device into chin tuck exercises could potentially offer greater benefits in terms of muscle strengthening and overall neck health.

Practical Applications

For therapists, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals seeking to improve their neck muscle strength, this study highlights the potential advantages of doing neck exercises with a device such as the PhagiaFlex device. It underscores the importance of utilizing tools and exercises that maximize muscle engagement, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of exercises for the neck.


The study "Effects of Chin Tuck Exercise Using Neckline Slimmer Device on Suprahyoid and Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Activation in Healthy Adults," published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science in March 2018, provides valuable insights into muscle activation techniques. By demonstrating the enhanced effectiveness of the chin tuck exercise with the neckline slimmer device, this research offers a practical and evidence-based approach to improving neck muscle strength and overall neck health.

For those interested in exploring the full details of the study, it is available online with the DOI: 10.1589/jpts.30.454. This research marks a significant step forward in optimizing exercise techniques for better health outcomes. For anyone seeking to begin these exercises, it is advised that you consult with your health care professional or physical therapist before beginning the exercises. Download a free CTAR Instruction PDF


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